The most interesting Facts about planets : The world without us

Here, you will learn about what will happen if all the human population disappeared from the earth 

Within the hour mask black starts to occur across the globe electricity generator from coal plants would fail once fuel runs out vile wind and water power system also shutdown without human supervision. The next day computer volt act on their own code to shut down nuclear reactor in order to prevent the disaster. The world would be like without electricity.

What if

Impact on Animals

 After 72 hours animal will suffer from starvation.

 Within 10 days security manager at nuclear power plants would finally fail. Setting of change of explosion and releasing toxic radiation across the globe wildlife infected region would die  but other species would prevail. Domesticated cattles and other would take North American great planes. Rates and mice will damage the supermarket without the human existence.

Impact on Animals

Impact on cities

 Cities after 10 years would converted into natural theme parks. Vegetation would spread. Trees and flowers would travel up at tower. After 30 years the satellite we set up explore would fall back to  earth with no one to collect data. Homes, building would erode or collapsed.

Impact on earth temperature

Without the humans global warming will rise. The earth temperature rise of 0.6 degrees. But environment would improve because of human absence. 

Impact on Marine Life

Buy years 60 marine life nearly recover from the  decades of over fishing and would be thriving. After 150 years earth receive the natural status. After 2030 years where is vegetation that is thrive in the humans absence will have eliminated excess Co2 from the atmosphere. Huge forest vclean the eastern half North America. The human left with the evidence of plastic and steel.

If no human life on earth


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